New content is the lifeblood of any blog. Everyone who has ever owned one knows that the only way to keep people coming back for more is by providing unique and well written posts. But what they don’t know is that you can still continue getting some great results out of the old ones. It is all about reusing them in a creative way that once more makes them fresh.
This sounds difficult, but it isn’t. Not when you have the right tools to generate something new with previously posted content. These three tips will help you to do that easily and quickly, to give something new for your readers even when you don’t have a lot of time to make something completely original.
1. Convert Posts Into Slideshows
A lot of blogs and websites have been using slideshows lately. In fact, many new layouts have been making slideshows the primary focus of their theme. This is an easy way to keep directing people to older posts that end up far back on your list. You can even do rotating ‘features’ with old content that new visitors have probably missed.
There are a lot of tools out there for this, but this is my favorite slideshow maker. Easy to use, it allows you to create a embedded player for any blog’s home page. You simply customize your slideshow with a name, colors and the links to the included slideshow posts.

You can further edit it by adding in logos, default images and even background music, if you want it. You can even attach it to your RSS feed link, if you want to.
2. Convert Into An Ebook
Another simple option is to create an ebook. I have been seeing this a lot lately with websites that are primarily tip-based. Especially those that have a focus in marketing, like SEO.
They take their old posts, add in some new content and create a downloadable ebook for people to snatch for free off of their website. It is actually a pretty cool idea, using only the best content and providing it all in one simple format for people to read. Anyone can do this, no matter what the size.
Tools like Anthologize and Zinepal make this really simple. You simply put your blog’s URL in the provided section and let it load up your posts. You can then select the ones you want to use, and add in any other content you want included. Then edit the format itself and convert.
3. Convert Into Videos
Here is a fun idea that makes it possible to expand on where your posts are hosted, as well. You can turn a past article into videos with background noise, effects and more. T
his tool is a cool one that is offered free on Cnet called Article to Video Converter. You can show it as text, or do text to voice using a number of options from the voice library. Set music, background images and several other special touches that make it easy to have a video version of a post.
You mostly just copy/paste the post, set it into “paragraphs” that will section it off onto different pages of the video, and then add in the rest.
When you want to get the most out of your posts, it can be as simple as putting together a couple of new items using them.
Videos, slideshows and ebooks are three great ways to make something old fresh again. Try it out!